Thursday, April 8, 2010

Help Save Sacramento State Vocal Jazz Program

The Folsom music programs are not the only music programs currently threatened by budget cuts. There's a strong chance that Sacramento State University will eliminate Kerry Marsh's vocal jazz program next year at the University. And there's no guarantee the cuts to the University's jazz programs would stop there.

Sacramento State University had a blossoming vocal jazz program, to be sure, in 2003. But when Kerry Marsh and Julia Dollison arrived on the scene that year, they began an exciting transformation of vocal jazz study at the University. The program has grown to three vocal jazz groups. The students are learning "new, innovative approaches to contemporary vocal jazz." The Sacramento State vocal jazz groups have won numerous Downbeat awards under Marsh's direction, including several student awards for music arranging, and many of our Folsom students have gone on to study under Kerry, Julia and Steve Roach, the jazz band director.

Kerry and Julia had earlier announced that, due to the high probability that vocal jazz would be cut at the University, they had found new opportunities in Colorado and would be moving. Fortunately for us, they have decided to stay in Sacramento no matter what the outcome at Sacramento State. Their collaboration with Folsom High School over the years has been invaluable!

As you're writing your emails and letters to our school District and State legislators to save music in our Folsom schools, please add Sacramento State officials to your list and plead with them not to cut this outstanding music program and the opportunities it provides our students. Contact information for your correspondence can be found below. Links to the Sacramento State vocal jazz web page and to Kerry and Julia's latest CD featuring the music of Maria Schneider (getting rave reviews!) are also provided.

Ernie Hills, Chair, Music Department
Capistrano Hall Room 0109
Sacramento State University
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819

Jeff Mason, Dean, College of Arts & Letters
Mariposa Hall
Sacramento State University
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819